Today we present the first research on the economic potential of open data for Ukraine. The research is prepared by Kyiv School of Economics jointly with Open Data Institute within USAID/ UK aid Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services program /TAPAS and with the support of the State Agency for eGovernance of Ukraine.

Open data is a valuable resource that helps to strengthen the digital and ‘real’ economies, and it is contributing to economic growth in Ukraine. This study is the first estimate of the impact of open data on the Ukrainian economy and finds that open data has already contributed over USD 700 million in 2017. If the open data movement continues to gather momentum in Ukraine, we estimate that it could contribute up to USD 1.4 billion to the Ukrainian economy by 2025, representing 0.92% of Ukrainian GDP, through a combination of direct and indirect benefits.

Our research found that the number of workers in Ukraine working directly with open data is fairly small, at between 3000 and 4000 people. We do not expect that open data will increase unemployment in Ukraine, but there will be a need for greater skills in data capture, use and analysis in order to achieve the economic growth potential of open data.