Open data is defined by Ukrainian law as “public information presented in a format allowing for automated electronic processing of the said information, and ensuring free and unrestricted access to it and its subsequent use”. Open data helps monitor the work of government agencies, improve government services and create new services and tools. Dozens of products have been created on the basis of open data: online services and analytical modules, applications and chatbots used by millions of people every month.
It is extremely important to measure the effect from open data, because it helps evaluate performance of governmental authorities and creates a mechanism of tracking progress over time. A series of thematic studies of how open data can be used to solve social problems are being conducted in Ukraine for the first time with the assistance from the Ministry of Digital Transformation.
This study offers an analysis of open data of the National Health Service of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the “NHSU”) and the Ministry of Health (hereinafter referred to as the “MoH”).